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Why You Keep Failing In Attempts to Emulate The Success Of Others

Plus a bonus for Medium writers

I see countless articles about how to reap the same success as one popular person or other has.

These articles are well-intentioned I’ll concede that. They are also counterproductive because they inadvertently leave A LOT unsaid.

Any recipe for success is inadvertently bogus because of the multitudes of random variables that lead to any individual’s rise.

Randomness in timing, location, ability, personality, external influences, personal history, identity…and the list goes on.

There is certain to be some takeaways to apply to your journey but any paint-by-numbers approach is damned from the outset for many reasons.

First mover advantage is not to be underestimated. Many successful people are so because they had novelty on their side.

This is not to belittle the sheer levels of work it takes to birth newness into existence because it does take some doing.

It is to say that their success has not arisen out of a vacuum.

They have worked to produce something never seen before or done it in a different way that offers value to others.

This is the lesson you want to extract from stories of success. Focus on the what and strive to find your own.

It is unlikely that you will ever find true fulfilment in being the second-best version of someone else.

You should aim to be the best version of yourself.

Stop trying to run someone else’s race. It will yield nothing save wasting your valuable time and energy.

Yes, they are where you want to be and you have read enough to know that your goals are perfectly aligned with theirs.

Let me say this in the kindest possible way: You are not them.

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