Agama dan Ruang atau Opini Publik dalam Masyarakat Pascasekuler

Berbicara dalam ruang publik atau mengutarakan opini publik [1] tentang atau dengan basis agama merupakan hal yang tidak sepele. Sering terjadi ketegangan antara argumen-argumen agamis, teologis, dan…


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My Neighbor

When I realized there were firefighters in my lobby, but no alarm, I immediately began to wonder if someone was hurt.

When I asked, I wasn’t surprised that the young Fireman responded, “I can’t tell you,” because of patient confidentiality and security.

By that answer, her also confirmed my gut feeling that someone was in trouble.

“Remember that fire alarm a few weeks back?” he started. He stopped me at the vending machine yesterday. My neighbor had an update for me.

He went on to tell me that the woman in my building, who smokes by the doggy door with her sweet pitbull, had a heart attack and died. And her two little boys, who I would I often see in the Cyber Lounge, are now living with their aunt.

She was a stressed single mother, working a job that did not appreciate her, raising two young men.

This led me to think about the women in my life. Specifically, my grandma Marie, who passed when I was 13 from a heart attack.

Do you know a hardworking mother who perhaps drinks too much, smokes cigarettes and could use a little more movement and healthy eating?

I’m sure we all do.

I bet a number of you reading this would answer “yes” to the following questions:

Despite how you answered those questions, the majority of you would respond “no” to the next question:

Are you at risk for a heart attack or stroke?

How do you know? Is that your first reaction? Or do you know?

Well, even if you exercise, health a well-balanced diet, and are happy with your current body weight, you too could be at risk.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) accounts for approximately 800,000 deaths in the United States (US), or one out of every three deaths. Among Americans, an average of one person dies from CVD every 40 seconds. Coronary heart disease (CHD) accounts for the majority of CVD deaths, followed by stroke and heart failure. More than 90 million Americans

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